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Ball Screw Jack

ActionJac? Worm Gear Ball Screw Jacks use a ball screw and nut made from hardened alloy steel with hardened bearing balls carrying the load between nut and screw. This rolling action reduces friction between the nut and the screw permitting smooth and efficient movement of the load. Because of the greater efficiency and rolling action, the ball screw can operate at higher speeds and increased duty cycle when compared with the Machine Screw Jack.


Ball Screw Jack Specifications:

Model Gear Ratio Capacity (tons Lifting Screw Dia (in) Screw Lead (in) Root Dia (in) Turns of Worm for 1' travel Max Input Torque (in.-lb.) Max Input (hp) Max Worm Speed at Rated Load (rpm) Max Load at 1,750 rpm (lb) Torque to Raise 1lb. (in-lb) Tare Drag Torque (in-lb) Backdrive Holding Torque (ft-lb)
0.5-BSJ 5:1 1?2 5?8 .200 .500 25 9.5 1?3 1,800 1,000 .0095 1 1.0
20:1 1?2 5?8 .200 .500 100 4.0 1?6 1,800 1,000 .0040 1 .25
0.5HL-BSJ 5:1 1?2 5?8 .500 .500 10 24.2 1?3 868 496 .0242 1 2
20:1 1?2 5?8 .500 .500 40 10.2 1?6 1,030 588 .0102 1 1
1-BSJ 5:1 1 3?4 .200 .602 25 19 1?2 1,660 1,895 .0095 3 1.5
20:1 1 3?4 .200 .602 100 9 1?4 1,750 2,000 .0045 3 .50
1HL-BSJ 5:1 1 3?4 .500 .602 10 48.2 1?2 654 747 .0241 3 3.5
20:1 1 3?4 .500 .602 40 9 1?4 691 790 .0114 3 1.5
2-BSJ 6:1 2 1 .250 .820 24 40 2 1,800 4,000 .0100 4 3
12:1 2 1 .250 .820 48 26 1 1?2 1,800 4,000 .0064 4 1.5
24:1 2 1 .250 .820 96 17 1?2 1,800 4,000 .0043 4 1
2R-BSJ 6:1 2 1 .250 .820 24 40 2 1,800 4,000 .0100 4 3
12:1 2 1 .250 .820 48 26 1 1?2 1,800 4,000 .0064 4 1.5
24:1 2 1 .250 .820 96 17 1?2 1,800 4,000 .0043 4 1
2.5-BSJ 6:1 2 1?2 1 .250 .820 24 51 2 1,800 5,000 .0102 5 4
12:1 2 1?2 1 .250 .820 48 31 1 1?2 1,800 5,000 .0061 5 2
24:1 2 1?2 1 .250 .820 96 21 1?2 1,500 5,000 .0042 5 1.5
2.5HL-BSJ 6:1 2 1?2 1 1.00 .820 6 202 2 624 1,783 .0404 5 14
12:1 2 1?2 1 1.00 .820 12 122 1 1?2 775 2,214 .0244 5 6
24:1 2 1?2 1 1.00 .820 24 85 1?2 371 1,059 .0170 5 5
3-BSJ 6:1 3 1 11?64 .413 .870 14.53 100 2 1,260 4,313 .0167 6 6
24:1 3 1 11?64 .413 .870 58.10 42 1?2 750 2,572 .0070 6 2
5-BSJ 6:1 5 1 1?2 .473 1.140 12.66 183 3 1,033 5,904 .0183 10 14
24:1 5 1 1?2 .473 1.140 50.66 73 3?4 647 3,700 .0073 10 5
5HL-BSJ 6:1 5 1 1?2 1.00 1.140 6 387 3 488 2,792 .0387 10 30
24:1 5 1 1?2 1.00 1.140 24 153 3?4 308 1,765 .0153 10 10
10-BSJ 8:1 10 1 1?2 .473 1.140 16.88 302 5 1,043 11,925 .0151 20 13
24:1 10 1 1?2 .473 1.140 50.66 153 1 1?2 618 7,016 .0077 20 4
10HL-BSJ 8:1 10 1 1?2 1.00 1.140 8 638 5 494 5,645 .0319 20 26
24:1 10 1 1?2 1.00 1.140 24 323 1 1?2 293 3,335 .0162 20 6
20-BSJ 8:1 20 2 1?4 .50 1.850 16 626 7 1?2 755 17,204 .0157 40 27
24:1 20 2 1?4 .50 1.850 48 314 2 1?2 501 11,397 .0079 40 7
20HL-BSJ 8:1 20 2 1?4 1.00 1.850 8 1,253 7 1?2 377 8,629 .0313 40 54
24:1 20 2 1?4 1.00 1.850 24 628 2 1?2 251 5,737 .0157 40 13
30-BSJ 10 2?3:1 30 3 .66 2.480 16.16 969 11 715 24,515 .0162 60 21
32:1 30 3 .66 2.480 48.48 503 3 1?2 438 15,006 .0084 60 5
30HL-BSJ 10 2?3:1 30 3 1.5 2.480 7.11 2,292 11 315 10,794 .0367 60 67
32:1 30 3 1.5 2.480 21.33 1,144 3 1?2 193 6,600 .0191 60 15
50-BSJ 10 2?3:1 50 4 1.0 3.338 10.66 2,560 16 394 22,509 .0256 90 75
32:1 50 4 1.0 3.338 32 1,390 5 227 12,954 .0139 90 10
75-BSJ 10 2?3:1 75 4 1.0 3.338 10.66 3,660 28 482 41,328 .0244 155 110
32:1 75 4 1.0 3.338 32 1,680 9 338 28,970 .0112 155 25
100-BSJ 10 2?3:1 100 4 1.0 3.338 10.66 4,880 32 413 47,232 .0244 205 152
32:1 100 4 1.0 3.338 32 2,760 12 1?2 285 32,621 .0138 205 35


Ball Screw Jack Highlights:

  • High efficiency
  • High speeds/duty cycles
  • Longer life cycle (low friction)
  • Low input torque
  • Greater positioning accuracy
  • Higher static load and lower dynamic load
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